Though it was particular to the clans in northern Australia originally, the didgeridoo (or yidaki) is now the most recognizable instrument in Aboriginal music. The classic didgeridoo is made from a termite-hollowed bamboo or eucalyptus limb, though today it's common to find didgeridoos made of PVC. The didgeridoo is played as a kind of woodwind aerophone, producing a low frequency sound that can be sustained and heard over long distances.
Australian Aboriginal Digeridoo
Though it was particular to the clans in northern Australia originally, the didgeridoo (or yidaki) is now the most recognizable instrument in Aboriginal music. The classic didgeridoo is made from a termite-hollowed bamboo or eucalyptus limb, though today it's common to find didgeridoos made of PVC. The didgeridoo is played as a kind of woodwind aerophone, producing a low frequency sound that can be sustained and heard over long distances.